NTRCA Merit List Of 1st To 14th Teachers Registration Examination
NTRCA Merit List Of 1st To 14th Teachers Registration Examination has been published at www.ntrca.gov.bd and it is the official webpage of NTRCA. Till now all districts merit list have been published of the non-government teacher registration tests.
NTRCA Merit List Of 1st To 14th Teachers Registration Examination
NTRCA Merit List Of 1st To 14th Teachers Registration Examination has been published so far for the 26 districts. All districts results will be published and will be found at our website at www.bdresultpage.com.
NTRCA Combined 1st to 14th Merit List Published on 4th December 2018
- Click here to get direct result from Online: GET RESULT (1st to 14th Merit list)
To get all districts results and merit lists stay with us for further notice and updates.
NTRCA Merit List 8th-12th Below
Here is 8th to 12th NTRCA Merit List
NTRCA Nominees Are Being Harassed So Far

Many of the nominees have been appointed. Forget the many non-zero terms of the heads of institutions to show the MPO is suffering as a result of nominees in those institutions. Non-Government Teachers Registration & Certification Authority (NTRCA) will have to given the action to provide the right respects who passed in the NTRCA examination. Government shoul take the decision to give them the job opportunity who passed inNTRCA Merit List Of 1st To 13th Teachers Registration Examination exam and have been named in the merit list as well.
So, after knowing the news many a men misunderstand and go for opposition. Actually the authority has not declared about it’s proposal. After giving the last decision of the Non-Gov Teacher Registration Tests system we will inform here legally. So stay tuned with us.
To get more notice, News, updates about NTRCA stay with our page and to get information on Facebook, then like the page www.facebook.com/bdresultpage. Thanks for visiting our page. To get further results of all districts stay connected with our page and share it to others. To know about NTRCA you may contact to us and you need to comment below for knowing any information about NTRCA Merit lists and NTRCA examination results, notice, updates and many more information.
what about 13th batch.
Bogra ntarc merit liest
Dinajpur(Sadar) when will publish merit list 2017?
Plz tell me when will be recruit from the 13th batch of Ntrca?
How can u say that 26 dristicts merit list.it is 26 upazila’s list and not for all post..
ভাই নেত্রকোনা জেলারটা দরকার ছিলো,,,, কেমনে পাবো??
We are extremely sorry for that bro… But if when we get this will be found here
Nilphamari Sadar Vacant Merit List of 8th to 12th Registration
৮থেকে ১২তম নিবন্ধনের মাগুরা জেলার শালিখা থানার মেরিট লিস্ট কোথায় পাব?
We are extremely sorry for that bro… But when we get it we will update the list here
Where is merit list of Chittagong district and what is the reason for not publishing?
Where is the merit list of Chittagong district and what is the reason for not publishing yet?
We are extremely sorry for that bro… But if we get it then update here…
8th-12th merit list how will i get?please janaben
৮থেকে ১২তম নিবন্ধনের Tangail জেলার Modhupur থানার মেরিট লিস্ট কোথায় পাব?
I am a candidate from 10th Registration Exam. My subject is English(school phase). Is the list of Rajshahi sadar(Metro) ever ready. How can I get my name in merit list
লালমনিরহাট জেলার সদর উপজেলার ৮ম থেকে ১২তম নিবন্ধনের মেরিট লিস্ট কবে প্রকাশিত হবে?
Prokash er date jani na sure.. but prokash hole amra ekhane janabo…
Please upload Manikganj (Upozila-Saturia) merit list.
We will upload it after being published the result bro…
gazipur zillar kaliakair er result kobe pabo?
৮ম- ১২তম রেজাল্ট গাজীপুরের কালিয়াকৈর কবে পাব?
Result dile ekhanei paben… NTRCA Publish korlei amra janabo
What’s the reason for not publising of ntrca8to12th all district merit list.I want to get chandpur district merit list.please hurry up.
We are also eagerly waiting for collecting the list of all districts.. After publishing the result we will provide here and inform u bro.. Stay blessed and stay connected with us
bhai Brahmanbaria district aar merit list ki published hoiceaa?
na vaia
How can I get madaripur district 8- 12 merit list
জয়পুরহাট জেলা পাঁচবিবি উপজেলার ব্যবস্থাপনা merit list কেমনে পাবো ভাই ?
Jhenaidah district er list kothai vai?
ভাই, আমি লক্ষ্মীপুর জেলার রামগঞ্জ থানার মেরিট লিস্ট চাচ্ছি….. কিভাবে পাবো…?
we can,t found faridpur sadar merit list, how get it pleace.
Dinajpur kaharol plz
I need Narayangonj Rupgonj. Is it published yet?
Not yet
jessore avoynagar result?
How can i get the Merit list of 8-12 in Chandpur District ?
please,publice8th to12th merit list and manage our appointment. my district name natore.
where is the merit list of kishoreganj district?
When publish 1-07 reselt
When result published 01-07 .
We will update here after publishing the result..
ময়মনসিংহ জেলার ধোবাউড়া উপজেলার 8th-12th ntrca রেজাল্ট চাই।
Faridpur sodor upzilar( 8-12)th ntrca merit result kobay published hobay